I did my little review on Revlon Color Stay foundation and loved it but it made me itch. Remember?
Well.........I loved the freakin' stuff SO much that I decided to try it again with hopes that I didn't get itchy and......I didn't! YAY!!!! *claps* I wore the stuff for a little over 23 hours this 4th of July weekend (don't EVER do that). I went motorcycle riding, took a few naps, was too lazy to wash my face in the shower for our night out etc.... I got a lil oily after about 20 hours. But, just a lil. Heres my "after 20 hours" photo>

This stuff is the BOMB!! Now that i'm not a itchy little monster anymore when I wear it, this will now be my foundation of choice. MAC Studio Fix Fluid is being shelved! :}
Now go get yourself some!! BTW, I wear Caramel 400!