Comedian Chris Rock was inspired to create the film when one of his daughters asked why she didn’t have "good" hair. Its an amazing experience to sit and listen to children speak about what's beautiful and what isn't. Of course the media has a lot to do with many of their responses. Most believed Beyonce was better than Erykah Badu & India Aire simply because of their hair. Surprisingly, my daughter preferred the natural haired sistas over Beyonce ( we are both HUGE Beyonce fans) and I was quite proud! Personally, I wear a relaxer because my hair is short and it needs to be straight for the styles I like to wear. "Good Hair" to me is healthy hair!

If you haven't seen a trailer of the movie, see it here.
This a Must See for all races, creeds & colors.
Check it out October 23rd in a city near you. Let me know your views on the trailer or what you believe "Good Hair" is.
I don't think it's gonna come out in my country tho'. No promotion about it here. Asian hair is normally straight and silky and nice and pretty (I'm not talking bout mine. My hair is all over. Nevermind my sad story). Anyway, I totally adore nature hair on black women. I think it's really nice. Just like Macy Gray and Beyonce (on Goldmember). And stylish too. :) Thanks for sharing bout the Good Hair movie. I became a fan on facebook. :)
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i saw the preview a while ago and i can't lie, i wanna see that movie.
the blog that no one knows about.
I absolutely agree with you. Good hair IS healthy hair. I just spoke on this and it's good to know folks who believe in the right to just rock YOU!
Looks interesting hehe I hope it comes out here.
I'm really looking forward to the movie. Good hair is definintely healthy hair and I on the natural good hair journey. But I so miss my short relaxed styles. But change is good and i'm learning a lot about my hair...its going to be an interesting journey.
i cant wait to see it!
Oh I def can't wait to see this movie. I totally agree, good hair is healthy hair. Regardless of what "type" of hair you have on your head... If it is not healthy, it doesn't matter! BTW nice blog :)
I cannot WAIT for this movie! It's about my favorite topic (hair), by my favorite comedian (Rock). I just chopped off the rest of my relaxer last weekend too!
good question! definitely makes you think about perception of what's deemed 'beautiful' and what the kiddie-winkles think. need to see this film.
ps. erykah badu is the most beautiful woman ever! not because of the 'slightly lighter shade' of her eyes, just everything, she just emanates beauty.
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